Saturday, September 09, 2006

A long silence

As far as I know this is unread. And yet I continue to write on it, to it. In the company of many thousands of invisible and possible non existent people - happy christian housewives, soppy girls from Malaysia, deranged death metal bass players in Finland.
I realised that I have been silent to myself since the "end of hostilities" in Lebanon. For reasons I can guess at.
The impetus to write was seeing Slavoj Zizek talking about film. I won't precis his ideas, read the books. But there was something beyond what he said. The enormity of cinema images in physical scale and psychological significance has a broader social importance - the collective use of skill and technique to create something the size of a house and the weight of a feather. But the ending of that capacity for collectivity and its atomisation into individual cells of producer/consumers
movies with an audience of one or less. Like Easter Island
. The capacity to make collectively and share a culture.
Beware corporate entities offering 'community' : they mean 'check out'.


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