Monday, September 11, 2006

History : the return

Zizek again. That 9/11 was the return of history after the Fukayama interlude - the end of history. The return of historical process instead of the group cuddle around the radiant pile of shared values and neatly ironed balance sheets. Process not procedure.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A long silence

As far as I know this is unread. And yet I continue to write on it, to it. In the company of many thousands of invisible and possible non existent people - happy christian housewives, soppy girls from Malaysia, deranged death metal bass players in Finland.
I realised that I have been silent to myself since the "end of hostilities" in Lebanon. For reasons I can guess at.
The impetus to write was seeing Slavoj Zizek talking about film. I won't precis his ideas, read the books. But there was something beyond what he said. The enormity of cinema images in physical scale and psychological significance has a broader social importance - the collective use of skill and technique to create something the size of a house and the weight of a feather. But the ending of that capacity for collectivity and its atomisation into individual cells of producer/consumers
movies with an audience of one or less. Like Easter Island
. The capacity to make collectively and share a culture.
Beware corporate entities offering 'community' : they mean 'check out'.